Going to be a hell of a week
My Dad had a chemical stress test done 2 weeks ago and the Cardiologist called last week and said that he needs to have a Heart Cath done because he has something that is not right and they need to look at through the cath. So he is having Lab work done on Monday ot Tuesday and then I have to have my Morphine Pump refilled on Tuesday and then on Thursday he is having the Cath done at 7:30 am. So Mom and I are going to sit there and wait to see what they say is wrong with him and if they have to put a stent in or they have to break a clot up he will have to stay in the hospital for a night and that is going to be a pain in the ass because as soon as the phone is open in the morning he will be calling and wanting Mom to be there and sign him out and bring him home. I understand that he doesn't like to be in the hospital and he wants to be at home but Mom can not bring him home until the doctor says that he can and the urses get his discharge paperwork done and explained to him and he is the most impatient person that I have ever met and he is also so rude to the nurses and aides and he really means it too. Alot pf people thinks that he is joking and really he isn't but they think that he is and then Mom and I get embrassed and have to aplogize to people and explain that he really doesn't mean it. I have yelled at him before because of the way that he acts towards people and he and I have got into a yelling match because he thinks that he is the only one on the floor that has a need and he is usually the last one that they get to because of his attutude and the way that he talks to them and I for one don't blame them. When I worked in the hospital, if they were demanding and rude then they got my time when I was done with the others that I had to take care of and they would get what they needed and that was all they would get until I could explain to them that I was not their personal maid and I had others that needed my help just like them nad they had to wait theur turn and ususally that worked and I had no more problems from them for the rest of their stay. I am hoping that Dad is not going to have to have another 5 bypasses like he did right after I got hurt in 2002. He went in for a Cardiac Cath and the next morning he was having 5 by-passes and then the trouble really began. Since that day, he has been getting progressively worse with forgetting and not knowing what day of the week it is, his medicines he only knows by color and shape and when he talks about them he says "You know the little blue one that I take" and we look at him and say No and then he gets mad and starts yelling the little blue one that this doctor gave me. Mom and I have both told hom that he needs to know the name of them soif he happens to be by himself and has to go to the hospitalhe can tell them what he takes and not the color and size, but he won't listen so he carries a card in his wallet with the medications and his allergeries on it and his allergeries there is alot of them too. So this week is going to be stressful as hell and there is nothing that I can do but hang in there and do some scrapping to relive the tension.
Mom is rid of the hives and now she is complainig about the blowing of her nose and coughing all the time. She is still taking the Prednisone and Zrytrek so she is still blowing her nose but today it is getting better and she has no energy at all and the slighest thing she is out of breath and weak in the knees and she has to sit down and rest.And all she has done is complain for three days and it is getting on my nerves and Ihave to bite my tongue so I don't say anything that will hurt someone's feelings and I don't want to do that.
Thanks for reading my blog and come back often......Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!:)