Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here are some pictures of the new member of our family. His name is Raz-Ma-Taz and we are calling him Taz. We got him on the 13th of February and on the 17th Mom and I were taking him to the vet. He had diarreha and I was not going to take any chances with him since he was so little. So off to the vet we go and when we get there we find out that he has a slight case of Giaradia, which is a parasite that lives in the intestines and the only way to check for it is with a special test. So the vet put him on a dewormer and antibotics. He got a dose at the vet and by the evening he was feeling better and I was happy. Then this past Sunday, we were at the vet again but this time he had a running nose and he was not feeling good at all, the vet also said that he had lost almost 1/2 pound in a week and we had to start feeding him with a syrigine if he would not eat on his own. Well, he did not want to eat at all so Mom and I had to force him to eat and he was not happy about it. I am so worried about him and I don't want and I don't want to miss anything on him since I had missed something about Boots, I am so worried that he is not getting any better and he won't eat hard food today so I had to mix up the canned food and feed it in the srygrine again. The vet wants us to feed him 4 times a day and since Sunday the most that I have been able to do is 3 and I can't do it alone since he won't sit still long enough to eat. I am trying to get him to eat more and last night he did eat some hard food and drank water but not enough to keep him going all the time. Right now he is laying on the bed sleeping so I am off to mix up his food and try again
Keep fingers crossed he is going to be all right soon