Monday, January 22, 2007

Still deciding whether I want to be involved with the EX

I am still trying to decide whether I want to be involved with Ken (my ex husband. If he walked out on me once what is there to say that he won't do it again, he says that he screwed up the first time and he won't do it again but still in the back of my mind I am still wondering if he will do it again.
What about the Colts and the Bears? Can't believe that they are going to the SuperBowl. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have started Quilling, got a starter kit for Christmas and I have been quilling up a storm since, it is really fun to do and there is some much that you can quill, it is unlimited to what you can do. I have tried my hand at making a Angel. I used a onion holder to make it and at first I had no idea what an onion holder was but I ordered one and decided to try it and it is really neat what you can do with it,here is a pic of the 2 Angels that I have done so far.

I ordered the tool and had no idea how to use it and I had to play around with it to learn how to do it and I am not an expert by any means but it is getting easier to make things but still having trouble making things look like the pattern that I am using and I know that every one does things differently and mine won't look exactly like the pattern but I want to make mine look close and sometimes it doesn't and that is the thing that bothers me the most and I have to remember that I am still learning and things will come easier in time. But I am trying, here are some more pictures of what I have Quilled.

Thansk for reading my blog and have a great day!!!!! Keep smiling!!!!!!!!!!:)