Friday, May 26, 2006

My Favorite on American Idol Won

Taylor Hicks has won American Idol and I am so happy that at least one of my favorites won. This is the first year that I have ever watched it and I started to watch the first audition show and when I saw Kelly Pickler I really liked the innocent way that she had about her and I really didn't think that she would get very far when I first saw her but the more that I watched her the more that I really liked her and the first time that I heard Taylor sing I fell in love with him and his voice. I thought that he was older than he was and when I heard that he was only 28 I thought "No Way" but the more that he talked and I watched him I realized that he was only in his twenties and that he was going to be the next Americna Idol. He is so down to earth and appreciates the chance that he has been given and he is going to be a great singer. Last night there was a new show on the same channel that AI is on and it was called "You Think That You Can Dance" and there was so many funny people that thought they could dance and they couldn't but there was one person that took the cake. His name was "Jaime" he was a man but was dressed as a woman and he was so funny. He had a Red wig on and tights and shorts he was dressed funny anyway, he started to dance and halfway through his routine he threw his wig and then grabbed the tissue out of his bra and was doing a fan dance sort of and then he grabbed the wig and did something with it that we couldn't see because the camera was on the judges and the judges' face was priceless and they were grossed out and they stopped him from dancing and told him that he was not right for the competition and he left with a smile on his face and he didn't care that he was not picked he said that he just wanted tohave fun and dance. I can't believe that some people would get up on national TV and do some of things that they were doing last night or when they go onAmerican Idol and try to sing, but I guess that thye must think that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and they can sing and dance. That is what makes the world go round and makes it interesting to the rest of us. Stay Tuned for the rest of the story. :) :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

I Fallen and Can't Get Up!

The old saying "I have fallen and can't get up" has come true for me this past week. I was in the bathroom on early Saturday morning and ending up hurting myself. I usually fall either landing on my butt or my face but this time I landed on my right side and I had to lay there for awhile until I could get my right leg to hold me up and that is not easy when you can not feel anything at all. I was laying on the floor and the dog came over to see if I was alright and she was no help in helping me get up off the floor. When I finally got up off the floor my right leg buckled again but I was getting in my chair this time. I got in my room and tried to take a few steps to my bed and it was awfully hard for me to do and when I got in bed I looked at my hip, knee,ankle and foot and I was already starting to swell. By the time I got up at 5 my ankle bone ws not there and it is not there. I could not put any weight at all on it and it is hard to explain how I do walk since I have no feeling below the waist. But during the last 4 years I have learned how to step and know how to put my feet to be able to walk a few steps at a time. I use a walker to take steps to the garage to smoke and I hold on the dresser and bed in Mom's room to go to the garage that way and that is all that I can walk and I don't want to chance anything else. When I was in rehab that is all that they wanted me to do is walk and there was no wary that I could of and I tried hard to be able and there is no way that I can now or then. Even though I have movement in my legs I still have a incomplete spinal cird injury and there is nothing that can be done to change that. I had surgery to stabilize my spine and that is all that they could do for me. I wish that I would of gone to a different hospital when it happened but that is in the past and can't change the past but only hope that maybe they come up with another treatment for spinal cord injuries but it can't help me but maybe it will help someone else in the future.
I got a couple of packages in the mail today, I got the brads from the Brad Swap at KNK and a surprise package from one of the ladies there and then I got the stuff that I ordered from AddictedtoScrapbooking. I ordered the new Cutterbee craft knife, that you don't touch the blade to put in or take out. I tried it a couple of times and could not figure it out and I was reading the directions at the time and still couldn't do so I put it down and then went back to it later and I got it to work and I really like it and I think that I will be using it a lot more than the other one that I have. Also got another set of the perforates,cutter and scorer. I wore out my other one so I needed another on to use for Card Making. They really come in handy scrapping too. I am off to do a little scrapping before I go to bed tonight.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Today I was reading Shannon's blog and it really go me thinking about self-esteem and I came to the realization that I have absolutley no self-esteem or confidence left in my dlef and I don't know really how to get it back. I realized that I lost it when I got hurt and it continues today. I read everyone's blog from KNK and realized that no one reads mine at all, but I don't do this for anyone but me anyway. It doesn't bother me that noone reads it. :) and that is ok. :) But back to the self-esteem thing, when I got hurt I had friends that would come see me at the hospital and call me there but when I went to the rehab hospital there was only one or two people that came adn stuck by me the entire time. Susie was there so much that I had to run her off so that I could do therapy in peace and quiet and when I got home she was here until she got sick and passed away last January. (Boy do I miss her alot) She would tell me that I was the same person that I was before I got hurt that I am now and that if noone wanted to be around me then it was thier loss not mine. But now that she is gone there is no one that tells me that and right now I am so down on myself and hate everything that I am and can not believe that any one would want to be my friend. I know that I am special and I have alot to offer a friend but after being hurt by my so called friends after they just dropped me when I got hurt and could no longer do what I did and they would have to help me in and out of the car and in their houses they all decided that I was too much trouble to be around so that is how I started scrapbooking and started chatting on the message boards. On the MB no one can see that I am not able to walk unless I tell them then I became the outcast all over again and that is not fair to me. But the ladies at KNK are not like that and they accept me for me. But that is my goal for the rest of the year is to try and gain self-esteem adn self-confidence and I hope that someone will help me do that. We will see what happens next.