Monday, June 05, 2006

The rest of the story

I am hoping to get th pictures that Bobby and I took the other night developed so that I can scrap them.
When Bobby and I were first together, we got along so well and it did not matter what we did or where we were, we were always having a good time. The first time I saw him was at work, we both worked in a nursing home and he was on the maintenance crew and I was on the nursing floor and when he came through the doors I about dropped my teeth, I thought that he was so good looking and he had a personality to match. Anyway he had asked me out later that day and we were going out that night. So after work I went and picked him up and off we went. We ended up at a little hole in the wall bar and shooting pool and about 10 that night he asked if I wanted to meet his mom and I said sure so we go to her house without her knowing that we were coming but she welcomed me into her home and made me feel like I had known her forever. She told me that night that even if he and I broke up that she and I would be friends for the long haul and she was so right. She ended up as my best friend and she stood by me through thick and thin and I was there the day that she passed away.
So Bobby and I ended up being friends that went out and had a great time and it is still that way now and I can't wait to do it again and I am hoping that ir is soon. Anyway while we were out the other night, we laughed and vcried together about his mom and the way that things happened to me and he told me that he felt responsible for the condition that I am in now and it is no way his fault that this happened to me. He had asked me to leave the stupid husband al long time ago and I told him that if he left his then I would be packed and ready to go when he called but he couldn't do his and I was not going to be alone at that point and I stayed and ended up being miserable and in a wheelchair. I told him that it is not at all his fault and to stop saying that and it was my fault for staying and putting up with Bill and his ways of treating me.
So Bobby has called me almost every day since that day and he went out and got a cell phone so we could stay in touch and we are planning on doing another date night soon. I have the pictures developed and will post them now.