Saturday, April 29, 2006

Scrapping day today

I am going to do some scrapping today and block the world out. I have let everyone bother me when I scrap and today I am not going to let anyone or anything bother me this weekend. I have cards that I need to make and there are some layouts that I have ideas to make and if I let them they will be driving me crazy and I don't want that. My freind Jay will probably show up later this afternoon and he will drive me crazy for awhile but by then I will be in a place that I can take a break and will probably need one by then and he won't stay that long anyway. He has been bringing me supplies form a friend of his that had a scrapbook store up north and failed and he kept the inventory and was going to start on here but things have not worked out for him so they are selling things to friends and friends of friends and Jay has been bringing me things and if I need or want them then I buy them and he has brought me a Sixxix die and I have told him that I can not use those because I don't have the machine to use and the machine is a little big and right now I don't have the room or the money to buy it and Jay said that he was going to buy it for me, I would really like on but I have a QuicKutz actually have 2 handles and the Oliva and Typist alphabets and then have some shapes and am on the Auto-Delivery from QVC for the shapes coming every 90 days until 4 shipments so I have 3 more to go and then I have the Alphabet punches and that is all that I have and have really wanted a Sixxix but couldn't justify buyiong 2 die-cutting machines and really don't know if I want 2 but if he brings me on I will thank him and make room for it and try to use it. I really like Jay but he has the bad habit of mummbling and talking under his breath when he talks to me and Mom and he was here the other day and he was saying something and Mom told him to open his mouth and talk and stop mummbling all the time and he thinks that it is funny. I am always telling him "I can't hear a word you are sying talk up and stop mummbling" and he then speaks up for that sentence and it is right back to the old way and I am always yelling "Can't hear you". It gets old telling someone to speak up and tal right. He is from Boston and that is part of it but he just doesn't pay attention to how he speaks and how other people hear him. He reminds me of the gangs that talk so people can't hear them or even understand them they have the own language and menaings and so does he at times I think. He will usually say "I was talking to myself" or "I wasn't talking to you" and then he ask "Why don't you answer me?" It gets quite confusing around here sometimes when he is here and it really drives me crazy at times. I am really happy that I finally got my room looking like I wanted it to be and it still needs to be painted and the carpet needs to be replaced but that will come in time and that will be the last thing done though. I need to find a desk and computer desk first and then I will start to look for a nice replacement for the carpet that I ruined by cigarette burns and the marks from my wheelchair and the dirt tracks that won't come up so when I start looking for the replacement of the carpet I want something that is going to hold up with the wheelchair and the rolling chir for my desk. I was thinking about laminate florring but I don't know how that is going to work with me transferring from the wheelchair to the bed and back but I will have to investigate what my choices are and how much the stuff that I want is going to cost to have put in by them and not me. There is no way that I can put the floor in not that I wouldn't want to do it, there is no physical way that I can or even try at this point in my life. Jay says that he will do it but I am not going to let him do it either, he wouldn't know how to do it and I would be a nervous wreck the whole time anyway.
Well my Dad is having problems with his bladder again. He has been to see the Uroligist and he has a yeast infection again so he has to see the Infectious Disease doctor again. He had an appointment with the Cardiologist yesterday and while they were gone the Infectious Disease doctor called and wanted to see him yesterday afternoon and he went and they put him on another anti fungal medicine to clear up the yeast and he goes back in 2 weeks to see how it is and if not any better he will have to go back on the anti fungal again for about 1 month and he takes enough medication now and he is taking another 2 now and he has no idea what he takes he only knows the colors and the size of the pill and when he talks about them he says you know the little blue pill that this doctor gave me and say no I don't and he gets mad and yells Yes you do. We have told him that he needs to learn the names and what they do so if someone asks and Mom is not around he can tell them what he takes and how much he takes and more importantlly what they do, but that will never happen and hopefully either Mom or I will be around tohelp him. I get 2 of his medicines mixed up in my mind and I have to watch what I say around him because he will get mixed up too and that is not a good thing. He takes too many to memorize but I am trying to do it so he doesn't know, he thinks that I don't need to know what his business is but what he doesn't know won't hurt him.
Mom is finally feeling better and so am I. Stillhave the last part of the cough but nothing like before and it is going away, stillhaving the runny nose and watering eyes but can put up with that as long as the cough is gone for the most part.
So I am off the scrap and have fun. Thank you for reading my blog and Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finally a normal day around here

Finally there has been a normal day around here. I am finally feeling better and I am trying to get back to my normal routine and I am trying to get back to scrapping during the day. I am usually up at 5 in the morning and then by 6:30 or 7:00, I am so sleepy and tired that I am back in the bed watching the inside of my eyelids and then next thing that I know it is 9 or 10 and I am mad at myself for going back to sleep and there are things that I wanted to do and it is not too late but in my mind I think that it is and it is only 9 or10 in the morning. I am trying to get back into the routinue that I had before I got sick and the rest of the house too but anyway I would get up and read the paper and by 6:30 or 7:00 I would be on the computer, checking email and reading blogs and reading MB. I am not doing that and I miss that and I am going to try to get back into as soon as I can. Today I did 2 Mother's Cards for the Design Team and they are their way to the website and hopefully they are going to be posted soon so everyone can see them and appreciate them. I am trying to think outside the box and make layouts and cards that are not my usual style and if you ask me what my style is I can not answer that because I have not a clue what style is and I have been trying to answer that and I still have no clue what to say to that.
Jay has been bringing me some scrapping supplies and he has been bring me stamps that I will never use and stickers too and I have decided that I am going to start a box that I will put the stickers and stamps in and when Katie comes she will have something to use when she does a scrapbook that she wants me to help her with so she doesn't have to use my stamps and stickers she will have her own. I appreciate that Jay brings me these things but he has no clue what I want unless I tell him exactly what I want or need and he brings me alot of things that I will never in a million years use but I thank him and put them in a bag and put them in the closet for Katie.
Off to scrap some more and make cards for Mother's day for my Mom and Grandmother....
Thanks for reading and Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!