Sunday, July 23, 2006

I a bad blog stalker

I must admit that I am a bad blog stalker because I have not been doing my daily reading in the last 2 weeks and when I went to read the blogs alot of them were not updated and I didn't feel so bad about not being able to have time to do my own and then there were the ones that I read that were updated and then I felt bad and decided that I am going to update mine everyday with something. I don't have an exciting life and don't have any friends but I am trying to get things done with scrapping and I am finally got the nerve to submit things to a magazine and I am going to submit things for a Design Team and see what happens, I hope that I am picked because the DT they have now are rocking and they would be able to teach me things. I hope not going to get my hopes up then if it doesn't happen then I wouldn't be too disappointed and then the next time I will try again. I am on one DT on Suzy's kits but they are not up and running really well yet so I don't do much for thenm but they are working on getting a new website and they are going to have a Message Board and I think a gallery too and I am going to help them run that and that will keep me busy and then I am on 2 MB and I want to keep up on those and I have to make myself go to them each day and I have not been doing that and when I do sign on there are alot of posts that I have to read through and then I get bored and stop and then I don't know what is going on and I feel like a outsider and I know that is not the way they are and I have to make myself sign on there and read, I have nothing but time. I can't wait until Suzy's get theirs up and running, I have alot of great ideas and I am hoping that there will be alot of peopl that sign up for the MB and then when there is enough people I am going to have a cyber crop and see what kind of designers that get our kits. I am excited about this. Iam goign to do a coupld of pages that I am going to send it to a magazine or two and see what happens I want to be published in a major magazine and see what my name and layout looks like in print.
Well have to go fix dinner now. Thanks for reading my blog and have a great day!!!!!!! :)