Friday, March 24, 2006

Mom at the Hospital

Mom is at the ER right now so she while know what is going on with the hives that she had whole up to yesterday morning. They looked like bites when I first looked at them but it a little while they had changed from littlebites to diaper rash looking on her back and butt. Then her face had started swelling, she looked like she had dental work done on one side of her face and then she went to the doctor with Dad and when she got home she looked like a chimpmunk with nuts in her cheeks. It would go down the swell right back up again, this morning there is very little swelling left in her face, but the rest of her looks like she has shingles but it not shingles ( we hope it is not) and she sai that it hurts and itches really bad. Last night she was so uncomfortable that I took a washcloths with cold water and alcohol and wipe her back, legs arms and butt down and then sprayed her down with Benadryl spray. That helped a little and then she took Benadryl tablets to help with the itching. Her left hand had welts on it and they were red and swollen and hot to the touch so I put her hand and arm in a icepack to hep with the swelling and warmth and it seemed to help for a while but when I take it off it would go right ack to what it was before the icepack. Hopefully she will find out what is going on and the ER can give her something for the itching and swelling. She tried to call the doctor and they said he couldn 't see her because he was all booked up and she could see the Nurse Practioner if she wanted to and Mom told her no that she didn't know her and the ARNP didn't work for the doctor Mom sees so Dad took her to the ER. Before they left, Dad came in my room and asked me to call his uroligist and see when his appointment was because the hospital told him that his appointment was another day so I called and the hospital was wrong and it really bothers Dad if he doesn't know excatly when he has an appointment and half the tiem he forgets and we have to remind him a dozen times before anyway, he is losing his mind and driving us crazy in the process. So I am patient;y wiating for them to get home so know what is going on and what is wrong with Mom. I am hoping that she doesn't have to stay in the hospital for any length of time because I willbe going crazy with Dad by myself and he will be a basket case becuase he can't do anything on his own and I don't know if he will be able to go to doctor's without someone to be there with him and he doesn't want me there for some of them because he gets embrassed when they do test and he has to be undressed and it doesn't bother me because I don't look and I think of other things to keep my mind off his test.
Will update later when I know something about Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

OMG! How scary!