It has been awhile since my last post but........
I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything but I have not felt like posting but I do have news and it is pretty nice. Before I met Bill in 1997 I was dating a guy named, Bobby (or as he likes to be called Rob) but he is always been Bobby to me and he will always be that to me. Anyway, I have not heard from him since his mom passed away in January 2005. His mom and I were best friends since the day that I meet her and I really miss her alot but, like I said I have not heard from him since the day she was buried and I really didn't except to hear from either one of them. I was on the computer checking email on Monday and the phone rang and it was Bobby. We talked for a few minutes adn he said that he would call me on Tuesdaya nd he did at lunch time and then on Wednesday he called at 7:00 in the morning and I kinda yelled at him about it but then he said that he would call at lunch and hung up and I was kinda upset that he called that early but he didn't know what was going on here so that was not his fault so I was not mad anymore. So he called at luinch time and told me that he was going to come over and see me after work and for me to be dressed to go out somewhere and that he was excited to see me. There has always been a connection between he and I but he had a life style that he did not want me to be a part of except as a friend and he knew that I would be his friend. Anyway I got dressed and was waiting on him to come and he got here ealier than he said and I was going to take my camera with us and he came to quick I forgot. So anyway we got in the van and off we go. He told me that I looked good and he really liked my hair and that I had lost weight. I told him that he looked good and I was so happy to see him and that I missed him alot and was glad that he was there to see me. So our first stop was to get gas and then to find out wht we were going to do. He asked me what I wanted to do and I told him that I don't know what there is to do because I don't do anything but go to the grocery store and Wal-Mart and that is it so he was thinking about what to do and he asked if I drank and that was a no and he asked if I could bowl and again NO and then he asked if I wanted to shoot pool and have sodas. So that is what we went to do was to shoot pool. So we go to a bar that I have not been in since the last time he and I had been in there 7 years ago and there were alot of people that looked like they have been in there all day long. Bobby got me a soda and he got a White Russian and we found a place to sit and we started talking about the old days and then I realized how much I really love him and missed him and I told him so and he told me that he felt the same way and that we had alot to talk about and we had a good time there and I even shoot pool and almost won but I really didn't want to play the other guy. We stayed there until almost darka dn Bobby asked if I had seen the World War II statue that was at the Bayfront and I said NO and he went and got a throw away camera and we went to the Bayfront to take pictures. The man that did the statue was taking it back and it was the last day that t was going to be there. So Bobby picked me up out of my chair and put me at the base of the sculpture and then there was a lady that offered to take our picture together and she took 2 of them and Bobby about killed himself taking me back to my chair but he got me there safely and then he wanted to take me around the Bayfront so off we go walking and talking, we came upon a lady pushing a baby carriage with 2 little dogs in it, they had little red hats on and the mothere had a pearl necklace on. They were so cute that Bobby had to take pictures of them and as soon as I get them delevolped they will be posted. All in all I had a great time with him and can't wait to do it again and this time I am not going to talk about his brother or my stupid hisband and upset him and that is not what we are together and we are going to be together no matter where it is or what we do...................
Hope things go well for you Tracey :)
How exciting Tracey! I can see the spark in your eyes when you talk about Bobby. I hope things work out of the two of you. Keep me updated!
Tracey, it sounds like the two of you had a great time. I'm excited for you.
Come on....I'm waiting for the rest of the story!
NO kidding, leave everyone hanging! I want to see the pics scrapped too, the dogs in the carriage should be particularly funny!
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