Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Finally updating

I finally found time to do this without someone being right in my face, it is not Mom when she is in here watching TV, she doesn't bother me I can do what I want and she doesn't care. Jay showed back up again and he has been here everyday and when he is here is right over top of me watching what I am doing and asking questions about what or why I am doing something and it is driving me crazy and I am fixing to tell him to go home and not to come back again. Before he disappeared he was supposed to weedeat around the house for us but everytime he would want to do it, it was either late in the evening or he would not show up, so when he said that he was going to do it, he said that he had something to do right then and he would be back later on that afternoon or early evening which was fine cuz Dad was going to mow the grass and Jay was going to weedeat and then that would be done, well needlesss to say he did not come back that night and then he comes over on Sunday and when he got here it was thundering and lighting and there was no way that he was going to start and finish in time before it started to rain so he left and said that he would be back later and he was going to eat dinner with us for doing the yard. So I had made Chicken and Yellow Rice for Mom, me and Jay. Dad doesn't like it now he says so we have to fix another meal for him, so I fix ours and am waiting for Jay to call ot come and he doesn't show up and that makes me so mad, so I call his phone and leave a rather nasty message and tell him to lose the address and phine number here and not to come over anymore. With friends like him I don't need any enemies and he says that he will be here at 11:30 yesterday (Tuesday) and I told him that if he doesn't show up not to come by here or to call me anymore and if he does come I will not answer the door, I was tired of being put on the bottom of the list when he promised to do something for us and he was trying to tell me that he is always here for us and that he puts us first and all the usual BS but I just told him that I was serious and not to come over if he was late and not here at Noon, lo and behold he was here at 11:30 and he actually weedeated for us. He did a half ass job but it looks better than it did before he started. We are also looking for someone to do the yard work since Dad can't do it anymore, and he will not do anything but mow the lawn and he only does that if we bitch enough about it, so Jay called someone that he knows that does lawn work and he was supposed to be here yesterday at 3 to give an estimate and he didn't show up but at least he called and said that he would be here Friday to talk to Mom and I.
So that is what happening with that part, I took Boots to the Vet on Friday to get her shots and some ear medicine. I had wanted to get her microchipped but when I went they were always out of them but this time they had them, so I had her microchipped. They don't use 1 of them they use 2 in case she is lost and ends up at a shelter that uses a different scanner than what she has, so they put 1 in that is the standard use and the other one is the less common one, that is how they explained it to us. The vet couldn't get one of the chips to scan when she put it in and it finally worked and she put the other one in and it was easy to find, while they were doing their thing they told me that Boots had a loose tooth and she needed to have her teeth cleaned and the one pulled so I have to take her and drop her off on the 17th and that is not what I want to do. I don't like having to drop her off because the last time I did it ended up costing me a lot of money and I had to pay to get her out of there, maybe this time it won't be that way since I have the insurance to cover her dental work the only thing that I should have to pay for is the antibotic after they pull her tooth that is loose and that should be it and if it is not I am going to pitch a fit. They tell you one thing and they do a completely opposite thing and they have you over a barrel if you want to have you animal back. I told them that if it is going to cost more than they told me when I go in, they better call me and ask if that is ok before they do anything to Boots. Hopefully she won't have to have much done except her teeth cleaned and that one pulled.
The days are getting better these days but on Jully 11, it will be another sad day for me when I think of my little one. That is the day that he went home to be with God and the rest of my family that has gone before. I know that he is a better place and he is looking down on me and is keepping watch on me. I am trying to keep my chin up about it and trying not to get blue and all down in the dumps but it is hard sometimes. But scrapping and writing about it helps too.
Thanks for reading my blog!

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