Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I got a email that said that I had won a press release from Polar Bear Press the other day and don't you think that I was surprised to learn that I had won. I have really liked the papers from there since I first saw them in a kit that I got from Suzy's Kits last year and they are one of my favorites and now I have the new ones with stickers coming to me. I have not been able to scrap alot lately (for the last 3 weeks), Mom has been sick with a Bladder and Kidney infections and she has not been able to do much for herself and she has needed help to walk and she has needed to use my chair and I used the other one when I went outside to get the mail, she is starting to feel better but she is still really weak and walking to the kitchen and back wears her out and she is sleeping alot during the day and she is still sleeping in my room at night, which I don't care. I have been the one to do the cooking and cleaning up the kitchen, Dad has not offered to help at all and that is what makes me so upset. If he would at least offer to help that would be something, but that is not going to happen. Mom is trying to do somethings but it tires her out and she has to sit or lay down and then she is wiped for the rest of the day. Saturday is the first day that she went out of the house to go get our hair done and then that evening we went out to dinner at El Adobe and when we got home she was so tired that she went to sleep right after we got home. I have been so busy that I have not had time to make 2 birthday cards for Dad's birthday Friday so that is what I have to do today and get them done so we can give them to him on Friday. I know that Mom is trying to get to feeling better and I tell her not to rush it and when she feels like doing something then she will and not to push herself or she will be in the bed again and feeling worse and we don't want that. I have been having alot of pain in my back the last 3 days and I can't get relief by taking pain pills and I sweat laying on the heating pad so I guess I am going to have to deal with it until it decides to go away, but it is slowing me down doing the things that I have to do around here.
Thanks for reading my blog

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on winning the Polar Bear Collection!! I went out checked them out and I love their paper!! Well I hope you start feeling better soon (your back).