Crazy Things are happening around here
Things around here are not exactly normal. Yesterday was shopping day because he has a test at the hosiptal this morning. Mom got up with welts on her back and butt and then they showed up on her arms and legs and after a while her face looked like she just had a tooth pulled. It was only on one side but after about 20 minutes her mouth was gettin pufy and now her lower jaw is swollen and looks like she had all her teeth pulled. It is really weird, the only thing that is new is the Mucinex that she has been taking for her sinuses, but she has been taking it for about 3 weeks but she had bought a bigger bottle yesterday, she had been taking it and maybe the lot is different or she has delevolped an allergy to it but I told her to stop taking it and see if it helps and she is taking Benadryl for the itching and the swelling of the welts. She is also putting alchol on the spots to help with the itching. She looks like a chimpmuck with nuts in their cheeks, it really looks funny but it really isn't bcause she looks miserable. If it was Dad it would be typical but Mom is not usually allergic to medicines. Dad is allergic to alot of medicines either prescriptions ot OTC and there is not alot of things that he can take for the hives, he is usually going to the hospital for shots, we used to have the stuff here but it is out of date so we can't use it for Mom's stuff today. They are going to the hospital for Dad to have a test done and if the symptoms get any worse she cna go to the ER and see what is going on with her and I am hoping that is going to get worse and they start clearing up soon.
Well, Dad and I are not getting along these days. he made the comment that he wanted to go to the county fair on Tuesday so we started to make plans to go that evening so he could eat his way around the fair. So I had gone in the kitchen for something and when I went into Mom's room tohelp with the laundry she had told me that he had changed his mind and didn't want to go. I asked why and she said that he said that he would spend too much time in the bathroom line, I said what he goes hours at a time without going to the bathroom and he doesn't want to go because of that. So I let it go and then asked Wednesday morning if we could go last night and he gave the same excuse but, he was going to go get his hair cut and then go shopping at Wal-Mart and then the grocery store and lo and behold he didn't go to the bathroom for over an hour and he finally went just before we left the beauty shop and he had to go when we were in Wal-Mart but you know what Ihad to go when we were in Wal-Mart too so that is no big deal about going to bathroom and that is normal and it happens to everyone and it is not a problem but he doesn't want to do anything but sit in his chair and watch TV and eat all day and that is exactly what he does. We used to go out t0 eat on the weekends but that has almost stopped compeletly now. We might go out on Friday but we have to be home by 7 pm so he can watch Sci-fi channel and most of the time they are reruns and he has already seen them. We don't go out on Saturday's anymore either we order in or cook and that used to be our routine cook Mon-Fri and eat out on the weekends but that is not what happens anymore except for occassionally if Mom just refuses to cook. When we go out we have to eat fast so we can get back home to his chair and TV. The last tiem we went out to eat MOm timed it and it was a total of 35 minutes from the time that we left the driveway until we pulled back in the driveway. When we eat out Dad eats so fast and rushes us that is not enjoyable to even go out to eat any more,but it better than stting in the house all the time. I get so bored sitting in the house all the time but there is not alot that I can do about it, I wish that I would of kept the truck that I had when I got hurt I could of had the hands controls put on and they could of transferred the transmission over to an automatic and then I could of learned to drive all over again but Mom talked me into selling it so I could get the wheelchair carrier to put on the back of their car to carry my chair, but sometiems I really miss being able to go whenever I wanted to go I could and now I have to depend on Mom to take me places. Even when I ask for her to take me somewhere she acts like it is such a problem to go so I don't ask to go anywhere unless it is to Wal-Mart and the grocery store every week. Anything else that I can buy online that is what I do so that I don't get my feelings hurt by asking and getting some excuse that I know is bogus and then getting mad I just don't ask at all anymore.
1 comment:
Tracey-I can't imagine how hard it is for you sometimes-wanting to get out of the house and all...I want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me and what a good friend you have been.
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