Finally able to post
I have finally have enough time to post today and things around here have been kind crazy. Dad has not been feeling good the past couple of days and today he got up and he is having trouble breathing. He was standing at the sink and he was panting trying to catching his breath. He uses an inhaler for the times that he can't breath and he has used more in the last 3 months than he ever has before. He wants another inhaler today so Mom called in the refill to the pharmacy and will go pick it up later today. He sits in his chair with the heating pad on his chest and the heater in his chair on and a blanket wrapped around his neck and he is still cold and the AC is not even on. He also is having memory loss. He has argued about what date it is and still thinks that he is right until he looks at the calendar and then says that he lost a year and doesn't understand it. I really think that he has the starting of Demetia and it is getting worse some days but others are like he used to be. I know that it is the way that it starts out and gets worse little by little, but this is my dad and I didn't think that this would happen to him. But no family is exempt from things like this. When my grandmother (his mom) was sick when I was little, she had cancer and she was so mean to me and the other women in her life and I could never understand why she was so mean. She would only be nice to my Aunt that she lived with, she had been living with us since I was a baby, and Mom and her got into a fight and she went to live with my Uncle down the street. Grammy was partial to boys, she didn't like girls, her own daughter was disliked. She didn't want any female to come into contatct with her men and if they did she would try and run them off. I can remember when birthdays would come around, my brother would get good presents on his birthday and even on my birthday. I remember getting a coloring book and crayons (the cheap kind of crayons) and he got a Tonka truck and bulldozer and I ran to Mom and asked her why Brian got the big presents on my birthday abd I got this. She took the toys away from Brian and gave me the presents that her and Dad had gotten me and told Grammy that is was not fair for her to give Brian presents that were so much better than what she had given me and that is why she moved to my Uncle's. By the time that they had found the cancer she was so sick and she didn't even know who any of us were, she would call Mom by her daughter's name and say things that were crazy, at the time we thought that they were crazy, but come to find out she had Dementia and she didn't know any better. I hope and pray that Dad doesn't get like that because I don't think that Mom will be able to handle that and trying to make sure I am taken care of. I try to do most things for myself but there is only so much that I can do myself.
I have not done any scrapping in about 4 weeks and I am trying to get some done this weekend so I can be productive and have something to do besides watch TV. So that is the plan and hopefully there will be something topost tomorrow.
Thanks for stopoing by and reading my blog. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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