Monday, March 13, 2006

UPS Man came to visit today!

The UPS man left me a new toy at the door this afternoon. I had ordered the QK form QVC last Wednesday, so it came today. I have the Pink handle and the Olivia Alphabet but I wanted the one from QVC ever since I started scrapping and it was finally on Easy-Pay and I just went ahead and got it. I want a new Alphabet but they are so expensive and I can't justify buying one just to have one but the one on QVC was the one that I really wanted so I caved in. So, now I have a Upper case and Lower case Alphabet and one unicase alphabetand I have the Auto-Delivery shapes coming also so I wil have some that I dont have. I have been looking eBay lately and they are expensive there too but I have the one that I teally wanted so I am set for now. I am going to make a Birthday Card for my pain doctor, his birthday was earlier this month and since I stared scrapping and card making I have made him cards for Christmas and his birthday. He has been really good tome since the first time that I had meet him in 2000, He is a really nice guy, and he is only March to August older than I am. The first time that I found out that he was only 5 months older than I was, I was shocked because he doesn't look like he is 40, he looks like he is in his early 30's. Mom goes and see him also so tomorrow is appointment day to get my morphine pump refilled. Sometiems I wish that I didn't havce the dumb thing and I was at one point going to get it taken out and just take oral pain medicine but the doctor doesn't want me to do that because he thinks that the pain would be too much for me to handle without it. I sometimes don't think that it works alot of the time but I don't know, but I do know that when it gets real close to have it refilled I go through the DT's ( no pink elephants or things coming out of the walls) but I get sick and don't want to get out of bed and want to die. I am supose to go 30 days in between refills but for some odd reason my body thinks at 25 days that there is no more mprphine there and starts going haywire and it is no fun for me. I start getting muscle spasms and they go to my legs and I cannot stop them and have to have Mom come in and hold my legs in the bed or the chair so I don't fall out and then I have to have a shot of Regalan to get me through the day and even taking oral meds doesn't help because the morphine pump is nsot going through my bloodstream like apin pills do, it goes directly to my spinal cord and that is the way the morphine is delivered. I don't have the side effects of the morphine like taking it by mouth, it goes through the nervous system and not blood so I don't get the "High" like some do from morphine. I even took oral morphine and didn't get the "High" but when I took Oxicontin that was a drug that I never ever want to take again. It made me so groggy and sleepy that I would fall asleep at the drop of a hat and lose days at atiem and couldn't remember anything that I was doing or saying at times. I didn't stay on that very ling because of the cost and the side effects of it, Mom was on it also and she ws the same way and she would sleep for hours at a time, Dad was worried about us bothand he ws the one that told us what we looked like while taking it. It has been compared to heroin and as far as I am concered it is and I want no part of it anymore. But thankfully I have gotten off all but the pain medicine that I am on now and the muscle relaxator and that is it and I am able to function and able to have a clear head so I can scrap.
I finished to ATC Swap board that I started last weekend the mini clothes pin came and I have put them on and am going to post a new picture soon. I am going to post all of my layouts so I can have a link here for everyone to look at if they wna tot.
Have to go watch "The Apprecience" thanks for stopping by and Ha ve a great Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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