Mom has the Blotches again!!!!!!
Mom still having the breakouts of the hives today. She went to the hospital on Friday and she was given shots that seemed to clear things up and then on Saturday evening while we were in the restraunt eating dinner she started looking very pale and she broke out in the hives again but this time is wasn't very bad and they seemed to fade as fast as they came. She said they were itching again and the Benadryl wasn't working that well at the time and she was scratching and I was yelling at her not to scratch. Role Reversal--she is the kid with the chicken pox and I am the parent yelling "Don't scratch", but she still does it. This morning she got up and when she brought the paper in she had the alcohol and cottonballs in her hand and wanted me to wipe her back, butt and legs down and they are back!!!! They don't look like the way they did on Friday but they are red and raised and they fade in a hour or so and at least they don't look like diaper rash like they did on Friday. I asked her if she was going to call the doctor and she is still upset about Friday when she called and they told her that he was all booked up and couldn't see her and that made her mad as a wet hen (as she used to tell me when I was little). I told her to get over it and let it go and just call him and see if she could get in today to see him and get something for the hives and the itching. I told her that she might have to have IV medicines and she doesnt want that because she can't start her own IV and there is no way that I can start one on her, her veins are so tiny that when she was in the ER, they had to use a baby needle to start hers on Friday. Thank the good lord that I don't have to go the pain of someone trying to find a vein on me, I have a single lumen port that was put in when I was going through all the stomach problems that had me in the hosiptal once or twice a month for 4 months and they finally found out what was and still wrong with me, besides having a Hitatel hernia, I have what is called Gastropersis ( stomach is paralyzed) which is that the food that I eat doesn't move along like it supposed to and it takes my stomach at least twice the amount of time to empty. It is suposed to take 2 hours to empty and regular meal mine takes at least 4 hours if not more depending on what I eat. Anyway Mom is stalling calling the doctor now, she says that they are getting better and they are not as bad now so she is going to wait and see, they are just as bad now as they were, they have not gone down this time and I am going to harp on her utnil she calls the doctor and see what he says to do and then I will stop bugging her about it.
Time to go do laundry and will update about Mom later!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading and come back soon, Have a great Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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