Monday, March 27, 2006

Mom was back in the ER today

Mom had to go back to the ER this morning. She called our Family Doctor and he is on vacation this week and she was not going to see the Nurse Practioner because she had never seen her and the Nurse works with the other doctor's in the office and not the one that we see so she wants to see a doctor that she knows and has seen her before so off to the ER they go . They left here at 10:45 and they just got home at 3:57. On Friday, she was there about 3 hours but most of the time she was sleeping. This time she said that the ER was packed and when they left it was still packed. So she got to see the same doctor that she had seen on Friday so he knew what was going on and she didn't have to tell the story all over again, so they hooked her up to a IV and gave her some Soloumedrol and Pepcid and something else that I can't spell ( and spellcheck here doesn't work very well), and they had given her a couple of prescriptions again for Predinsone and she is supposed to go back to the ER on Friday for a recheck since the doctor is on vacation. She said that the itching is driving her crazy and she is scratching all the time and I am yelling at her to stop scratching. Today has been a busy day for me, I have done all the laundry and then emptied the dishwasher and even cleaned the birdcage. I know that sounds like a lot but it isn't. Doing laundry I sit and fold clothes and transferring from washer and dryer is not that hard I just stand up against the washer and throw the stuff in the dryer and when the dryer is thru I sit in the chair and fold and leave them onto of the dryer and Mom brings them in the house and put theirs away and puts mine in my chair and put them away. Cleaning the bird cage is all sitting on the floor so it is not that hard. The hardest part is getting up into my chair from the floor but I have that down to a science. Sometimes I have to have someone help me get up but usually, I can do it. The bird drives me nuts when there is no one here but me because she will squawk the whole time that Mom and Dad are gone. When she squawks the dog howls to shut her up and it doesn't matter if I am in my room or not she will squawk for someone to come in the living room to sit with her. Dad has spoiled her and now whenever he gets up to og in the kitchen or his bathroom she will squawk unitl she comes back and sits in her chair. He will squirt her with water to shut her up and that doesn't work anymore so we yell at her to "shut up" and she will yell it back to us. She will talk at times but mostly it is squawking and it is so loud. I can go outside to the mailbox and hear her yelling nthen Boots will start howling. It was funny the first time that I ever heard it and now it is to shut up the bird (Missy), when Missy squawks Boots howls a little louder and louder to drown out the bird an sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't.
Mom went to get her prescriptions filled so she can take the Predinose in the morning and hopefully the welts will stop and she can stop itching and scratching all the time

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