Scanning and uploading Pictures
I am in the process of scanning and uploading pictures that I am going to use in some new layouts with the papers from the April KNK Kit and I am going to use the kit from February and March with a few of them. I was reading the Creating Keppesakes website last night and there is a contest for the Scrapbooker of the Year and I had thought about it for about 2 seconds and then changed my mind, there is so many more scrapbookers that are way better than me and I would not even place in the top 100. I look at my layouts and think that they are not worth the paper that they are printed on. There is a lady that lives in Sarasota and has been published in several magazines and I look at her's and they are not very good they look like they were put together by a kindergartener and they are being published and then I think why can't I be published but I guess I need to submit layouts and get on Design Teams and build my scrapresume so that I can be proud of what my hobby is. I love to scrap and make cards and make people smile when they open a handmade card from someone they know. I have made 2 cards this week for 2 ladies that I know and I hope that they like them and they will at least look at them before throwing them away and maybe they wil even keep them like I do, if someone spends the tiem to make me a card then I have a box that they go into and they stay there. I had a card that someone had made me when I was in the 3rd grade and just recently it had gotten thrown in the trash by mistake and I was heartsick about it and wish that I would of scanned it and had it in the computer. That is why I am doing the pictures and the things that I think are important and then I upload them to so that they are at least safe if my computer crashes and I lose everything.. I have some pictures of the dog that we had when I was little. He was a Basset Hound and we had him since I was about 5 or 6. I remember when we first got him, Mom saw a ad in the Shopper's Guide for a 6 month old Basset, housebroken and shots so she went to look at hima dn brought him home. He was the biggest puppy that I ever saw and he just kept getting bigger and bigger as he grew up and that was the best dog that I ever had. His name was Zeke and he was my best friend and would listen to me when I would tell him my tales and he would sit and let me do anything that I wanted to and when we would watch TV in the living room I would use him as a pillow until he had to go out and get in the room with Dad. Zeke didn't like to be in the backyard he wanted to be in the front on the rope that he was always on. The rope was about 6 feet long and it had knots in so bad that if you really pulled on it it would snap in two but Zeke would go to the end and stop he wouldn't pull on it and the stake that it was tied to was one of the tomato stake that wasn't in the ground to good and if Zeke pulled hard he would be loose but he never did and that is what is amazing about him. He didn't like people to walk up the driveway un less he knew them. We used to have the Charlie Chip man come deliver potato chips every Saturday and he usually would give Zeke a handful of cookies or chips and on this day he was in a hurry and forgot and Zeke chased him back in his truck, and he had to yell fro Dad to come out and get Zeke to let him up the driveway to deliver the chips. It was funny though. Zeke would go with us when we would go for bike rides and roller skates and skateboards, we got a rope and tied Zeke to it and have him pull us around the block, he would do good until his nose would pick up a scent and he was gone with us in tow and dragging us until we got big enough to stop him from pulling us. Tjhe Basset that I have now is a female and she is so lazy she won't jump up on my bed I have to lift her rearend to help her up unless hse knows that I have something to eat tehn she wil jump up there but not very often. She has her own recliner in the living room. She used to be allowed on the furniture but she would get really happy and dig on the couch and Mom stopped that she is only allowed in the recliner. Noone else sits in there anyway and that is where Boots sleeps. She is allowed on my bed and that is it as for the beds, Mom got a new comforter and that stopped Boots form getting on the bed after that but since Mom got a new featherbed it is so high for Boots sort little legs to get up there. I got a new featherbed too and that is why she has a hard time jumping up on my bed. I am going to do a few pages of the pictures of both Boots and Zeke to see the difference between them which is a big difference.
Thank you for reading my blog!!! Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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