Thursday, March 30, 2006

Shopping day

Today was shopping day, and of course I am waiting on the folks to get ready and go and that is not going to be for a while. I am ready to go except for my purse,cup and shoes oh and putting the feet on my chair, but Mom always tell me the minute that they are ready to go and except me to roll and go but there are things that I have to do before I am ready to get in the car to go. And Mom knows this and then they are standing at the door waiting on me to come on and then Dad is getting mad and then Mom is off to either go smoke or watch TV then I am waiting on them again. It makes me so mad and they think that it is funny to keep me waiting and then when I do it to them they get mad and then the rest of the day is ruined. Dad is the most impatient person that is on the face of the earth and he gets upset at the littlest thing and then he pouts and huffs and puffs and mumbles under his breath. He has a way about him that you know when he is aggravated and he makes others around him miserble too and the old saying that says "if Momma isn't happy nobody's happy" but it is "If Daddy is happy then nobody's going to be happy!" and that is so true, if he doesn't want to go somewhere then we dn' go and if he wants to go then we go and have to leave when he says and if we don't then he starts his sighing and hiffing and then he starts to fidget in his chair and then says "Are you ready yet?" I have something to watch on TV so hurry up and let's go. It is so aggravting when we go out to dinner and he does that and then Mom tells him to stop and he pouts and makes everyone miserable.
Well Survivor is on and I am going to watch will write more later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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