Saturday, April 22, 2006

It has been awhile since my last post

It has been awhile since I was last here and posting and there is not a really good reason why and I am ashamed that it has been exactly a week. I have not been feeling really good and I have been doing things around my room and the house like laundry and cleaning the bathroom but that is normal everyday things that should not get in the way of things that I love to do like scrapbooking and writing on my blog and venting to this instead of fighting with Mom or Dad all the time and that is one thing that I don't want to do is fight with them.
So I have finally gotten the shelves up and things put on them. I had taken all my cardstock and papers out of the holders they were in and stacked them on the shelf and when I came back in the room on Thursday I had found that all the papers had fallen off the shelf and were laying all over the floor and there was nothing else that had fallen off so I picked that up and laid them on the bed and off to the store we went and when I came back I had to resort the papers and put them back up and they were staying so I forgot about them until later that night. I was watching TV sitting on the end of the bed and all of a sudden the 3 drawer box that was there (there is 2 of them sitting side by side) and the one that had all the eyelets and snaps and things in it fell off the shelf (the same one that the paper did) and the stuff in it went everywhere and I had to spend the next hour and half picking up Tags and eyelets and rub-ons off the floor. That was the last straw with that shelf so when I got back from getting my nails done and going back to Wal-Mart on Friday I decided that I was going to find out why things were falling off of it and I got my level and tape measure out and I went to work. First it said that it was level and there was nothing out of line anywhere so I was checking the support bars and one of them was not quite tight enough for me so went and got the electric screwdriver and a hammer and I took the screw and molly out and there was already a hole there cuz when Jay was putting them up with me he was in a hurry, as usual, and he missed the first hole so there was another and that is the one that was supposed to be used but he didn't use so I did and now the shelf is not slanting toward the front but also the 3 drawer boxes are now sitting on the floor just in case they were too heavy to be up there and I don't want anything falling on my head when I am sitting at the desk doing scrapbooking or writing on my blog. On Wednesday after we got our hair done, Mom took me to Home Depot to look at some magnetic paint and a hardware bin. I needed another bin to store chipboard pieces that I had acquired through the swap and there needs to room to grow. I am getting a collection of things that I need to be handy and that is there most handy that I can think of without sitting on my desk and there is no room for that and I don't want a bunch of stuff cluttering up the workspace that I have now. The next big purchase that I am looking to make is a new desk and computer desk that are separate so that I can spread out when I start scrapping and card making but so far I have not been able to find what I am looking for except online and by the time that I pay shipping and handling it is going to cost more than the price of the desk and the computer desk combined and I am still looking though. I will find what I want soon I am sure and when I do then the scrapping area will be complete and I will be a happy camper. I am happy that the shelves have worked out and now is the waiting game for the desks. My friend, Jay has been getting me a lot of scrapbook supplies. One of his friends' sister had a store that went out of bussiness up north and she has tried to find space here but has not been able to find what she wants so she is selling things out of her home and Jay has been buying stuff that I have wanted but not the money to buy all at once so he has worked a deal that he gets supplies that I want and he works off the price which I have told him is not fair to him since he doesn't use this and he said that he will not take money from me to pay the price and I have only told him a couple of things that I really want and he has brought them to me and now he brought me a pocketful of punches yesterday. There are a couple of them that I will not use but I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and turn them down. I am waiting to see what is going to happen with the stuff that he is suppose to bring today abd if I can't get what I need then I am going to have to surf the net and find what I am looking for, I need a medium square punch for a couple of classes that I am taking from Big Picyure Scrapbooking. I have debated about whether or not to take them and finally said what the hell they might be fun to do. I have placed a couple of orders with the Stampin Up demo and I have talked to her on the phone quote often but have never have met her until this past Tuesday when she dropped off the lastest order for me, no it wasn't stamps at all, I had been looking for the white pen from uni-ball and noone was carrying it but SU was and I had ordered that, a embossing buddy and Stazon ink pad and she had given me a spook of their ribbon and there is a lot of ribbon on those spools, there is a lot more than I thought there was and there is more than you get from the store so I might be ordering my ribbon from her from now on since there is so much and I use ribbon on all most everything that I do....... Can't have too much ribbon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish that I could but all the ribbon on spools but I get ribbon with all n=my kits and they are usually only a yard so it is easier to put them in a container and use them that way. I couldn't find any containers that I really liked and if I did like them there was only a couple of them and when I checked to see if they had gotten any more of them they were out of them and only had a few of the other kind so I wanted them to match and the only way that they were going to match is if I could get a dozen or more of them and the only thing that came in dozens were canning jars. I didn't want the quart ones but now I wish that I had a few of them for the most popular colors, so I got the pint jars which are just right for all the colors and the ones that I need bigger ones for White and Blue ribbon but that is ok I can always buy more pints and use more than one for each color. I am using the paper holders to put the jars on and then have one on top of the jars for the others one and they work just fine and they all match and you can see what is on the inside of them and look pretty sitting there on the shelf. Then I have 2 ribbon boxes that have holes on the side for the ribbon to poke through that I got from HSN and then I have a cigar box that the ribbon ends are through the top and you can pull with you nned without opening the top and they are not getting tangled up and all messed up all the time. I am still trying to figure out how to make a ribbon holder out of a cigar box that I can drill holes and put a dowel rod inside that the spools are on but I have not figured out how to do it without a lot of troble and rigging something up and that is why I did the one cigar boz like I did it. I could ask my Dad to help me but then he would ask me why I was trying to do this and then it would be a big deal and he would have to think about it and it would never get done and if I would not want to do I would not ask him to help me and Mom said that she would help me but that has never happened yet and it has been a month since I asked for help designing the thing and noone has to help me make it that I can do it myself just give me the materials and a little directions and I will do it. I made me a magnetic board from a bullentin board and it is hanging on the wall as we speak and it looks pretty good and it woks so that is all that matters to me and I am proud that I did it myself and had fun doing it. So I am going to try a figure out how to make a ribbon box and then try to make it work like I need it to work and then make one or two of them when I get more ribbon spools but all I have is 1 right now so it is no hurry to get one done and there is a Ribbon Take Out kit comin g from KNK in June and I can't wait to see what it looks like. And then I get Shoebox Trims and Self-Addressed and they are all come with ribbon and they are usually a yard so in the jar they go. You would think that I would have enough ribbon to last for a lifetime but I don't and I am always on the lookout for more and if I happen to find any that I like then I buy it and it goes in the collection and it grows and grows, but that is ok with me and if noone likes it they don't have to look at it.
I am in the process of starting to buy stuff for weddings so that I can do Liz's wedding album when she gets married, I am doing it so that I don't have to rush and try to find what I want and need and when she gets me the stuff that I need I can work on it and not have to wait for stuff to come. I can't wait to get started on it, I have alot of ideas for this and I am hoping that I can make it look like in person that it is in my mind and make it look great.
Well that is all that is happening with the Wheelchair Diaries and you are caught up with the stuff happening here. Thank you for reading my blod and Have a great day and come back again....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :):)

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