Saturday, April 15, 2006

I am on a Design Team

I got a package the other day from one of the scrapbooking kit clubs that I belong to and it was notthe usual kit and there was a note that said "Have Fun" and send them the layouts in a email when I was finished. I was kinda of surprised to say the least, so I sent them a email and they said that they were starting a Design Team and if I wanted I was part of it and of course I said yes. So today I opened my email and there was another email from the owners of the club and she finally realized that she had not contacted me about being on the design team and she apolized to me about it and then formally asked me to be part of the Design Team at Suzy's Kits, so Iam telling the world that I am on a Design Team and I am so excited about this. I have always wonder how to become part of a design team and was too scared to submit work to them because I am afraid of rejection and turn downs so I never submitted anything to become part of the team. But I just sent suzy's layouts that I had done with the supplies that I was getting from them. I started using up the kits that I had been stock piling for about a year and I really needed to use them since I am now getting 3 different kits a month and am running out of space to put things. So one day I emailed the club and asked them if they wanted to start a gallery of member's layouts and they said the send them so I did and then I found out that the original owner of Suzy's had sold it and the new owners said that they were going to start putting the layouts on the website and they asked for all that I had so I sent them and there were a couple of them for a while and then I get the kit and email and that made me so happy and excited that I sat down and flipped 2 layouts in about 2 hours time. Mom is my critic and she tells me what they lack or if they are too cluttered and then I go back and change things if I feel like they need them and usually Mom is right and I will go back and show her what I have done, but she has not told me that I need to change anything so I am getting better judging what needs to be there and what doesn't and I really enjoy sitting down and coming up with a layout or card on the fly and sometimes I need a jumpstarted and that is where the magazines and sketches that I have handy come in and it really helps to sit there and look at the pictures and there maybe a idea that comes from the pictures. Usually I have an idea in my head before I sit down and then I start from there.............IN CASE YOU DIDN'T HEAR ALREADY...........I AM ON A DESIGN TEAM AT SUZY'S KIT.COM (Here is the web address
They are doing a good job with what they have and they are getting better each time and they are so nice there and the customer service is awesome, if you have a problem they get back to you fast and they try to work it out as quickly as possible. If you have not seen them go to the website and tell them that Tracey sent you and right now they are doing aTax Day when you order 1 kit you get a extra kit each month for 3 months at no charge and they pick the kit for you so there is nothing to choose. Check them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the household everyone is getting better, I still have the cough but the running nose has stopped, just the cough dry and hacking all the time and it is driving me crazy especially at night when I try and sleep. Mom is over hers and Thank God but now she is hurting again and still complaing all the time and it drives Dad crazy and he makes comments tome about it and it drives me crazy too but I keep my mouth shut and stay in my room and scrap or watch TV.
Dad is going to the doctor on the 27th too see what is going on with his heart and see if he has to have another Heart Cath done and when............ Hopefully he is not going to have a heart by-pass again. That was not fun to watch him go through that and after he came home he could not do anything for a long time and he still uses that excuse not to do a lot of things in the yard but I am going to hire someone to do the lawn because it is getting to be spring here and the grass si starting to grow and it needs to be mowed right now so the boys across the street are going to mow and weedeat for me and I will pay them to do for us so he doesn't have to do it.
Thanks for reading my blog and come back again.........................Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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