Thursday, April 13, 2006

Finally starting to feel like a human again

todayy, I am finally starting to feel human again. I still have the cough and probably will have the cough for a long while but at least the runny nose has stopped except for a occasionally sniffles. But at least it is a lot better than it had been for the last week and half, I was blowing my nose so often that it hurts. I am glad because I feel like I have missed so much on the message boards, I have felt so bad lately that when I got my scrapbooking kits from Self-Addressed I am usually excited about opening and seeing what they have sent this month but this time I opened and kinda looked at it and put it away and didn't even look at it and try and figure what I am going to do with it. I got ribbon and fibers from Shoebox Trims and it was rolled up and put away as fast as I could go that day and I can't remember exactly what I go this month and I am still waiting on the kit from KNK and then the kit from Suzy's Kit will be here sometime in the next week so maybe I will feel like looking at them and can get excited about scrapping again and start doing it again. I have made cards and a jewerly box fro my niece for Easter and mailed that off and that is all that I have done lately and now I am having withdrawal symptoms and they are causing the shakes and tremors LOL!!!!!
Last Wednesday, Mom and I went to Wal-Mart and I got the shelves that I have been wanting for awhile. My friend Ja came over later that day and helped me put them up and that was a chore trying to get him to read the directions and put the shelves where I wanted them and make sure they are level and straight but he was in a hurry and he wanted to do them the way that he wanted to do them and that caused a fight between he and I and I won and he did them the way that I wanted them done and he had to admit that I was right and they look good.
Jay wanted to do them a different way and I kept telling him that I had to have them the way that I told him so that I could reach them and not have to have help getting things off of them and finally that he saw what I was talking about and he did it my way. I am still in the process of putting things away and rearranging them to work the right way fro me and that is a daily process when I scrap. I am waiting on the Vertical Paper Holders that I ordered and that will free up a little space that is being taken up by the paper holder that I have now and it is heavy and it is not really convient for me to get paper out of it and it a little high for me to reach comfortably but that will change soon and I can't wait to get them either. I have been wanting them for a long time and finally found them on sale and there is everything that I wanted in the combo and it was alot cheaper than the ones that I have been looking at in QVC and there is more in the one that I got alst night, so I got 2 of them and that should start me off and I will see how many more that I will need after they come and they are filled up.
As far a s Dad is concerned he is doinf alot better and his color has coem back and he is not complaing about shortness of breath as much. I had noticed that before the procedure he was looking very pale and ashen but now he has color in his cheeks and he is not ashen and he is breathing a little better. He has a Doctor's appointment for the end of the month and we will see when the next cath is going to happen. Hopefully he will not have to have any stents put in and he will not have to stay over night in the hosiptal.. I am hoping that he will not have to any more open heart surgery and he will be able to just have the 3 stents that he has and that is it, but he cannot take any medicine for his Cholestrol because he is allergic to everything that is on the market for lowering Cholestrol and the doctor's tell him to exercise but that will never happen and he is not watching what he eats except for his salt intake which he has been doing very well on that one, and he is able to control his sugar intake also but that is all that he will do.
Mom is still having the cough and the runny nose and still complaining all the time but that is normal and she is feeling better and that is a good thing for the house.
Thanks for reading my blog and Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

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