Monday, April 10, 2006

It has been a hell of weekk and half for me

Well it has been a rollercoaster ride for the last week and I thought that it would get better and it finally has started getting better. Mom first had the hives and then she got better form that and then she got a cold and that really threw her for a loop and it had her short of breath and realy couldn't walk from the bedroom to the kitchen without having to sit down and catch her breath and then try to go back to the bedroom and lay down and cough and hack. She thought that she would start feeling better in a couple of days, Today she says that she is feeling better and hopefully she is getting better.
Dad on the other hand has put us through the wringer, he was to have a Cardiac Cath done on Thursday, he had a chemical stress test done last month and it showed that there was something not quite right and they wanted to see exactly what was wrong. So he was in the procedure and he had some blockages in the some of the by-passes that he had done 3 years ago and they wanted to unblock them but when they were doing it they blew one or two of them and that caused him to have a controlled heartache and luckily they were there when it happened and Dad said that when the doctor blew it his chest felt like a elephant sitting on it and he was scared so the doctor had to put in 3 stents and we are going through this Cardiac Cath thing again in a couple of weeks. But Dad had to stay the night because of the stents and they wanted to watch him and make sure that he was ok..... Mom and I were waiting to talk to the doctor and that never happened and it was because of the stupid volunteer that was at the desk in the waiting room. There were alot of people in there and Mom and I had found a comfortable place in the corner of the room that had a couch and chair that we both could stretch out in and really be comfortable and wait so we waited and waited andwaited some more and finally I heard her on the phone and she had kept saying our last name wrong and the person on the other end kept correcting her and when she fianlly got off the phone she didn't even know who she was talking about and was calling Parker instead of Harkin, which is not even close and finall y she looked at the paper that she had and found out that there was no Parker and finally said Harkin and I yelled that we werer there and she said that he was in a room and told us which room adn how to get there. I was so mad at her because he had been in the room for over and hour and half and they came and told her that and she had forgotten to say anything to us and that really pissed me off, so we go to the room and he is telling us what ahd happened and asked us if we talked to the doctor and we said he never tlaked to us. We stayed for a while and Mom was tired and she wanted to come home so we left to come home. By the time we got home I was so tired and hurt so bad that all I wanted to is lay down and rest but that was not possible because I had ot feed the animals (Boots-dog and Missy-bird) and empty the dishwasher and do thing s that needed to be done, there is no way that Mom could of done it andshe was in bed already coughing and blowing her nose. I had to get things done for that night and unload the car from our day at the hospital. Finally about 8 pm I was ready to collapse and literally did to watch Survivor and that is as far as I made it I was asleep by 9 and slept until 3 and was wide awake and could not go back to sleep until about 6 and the phone rang at 6:30 and it was Dad wanting to know what we were doing Mom was so mad at him and she was not in the mood totalk to him at all. We were supposed to go get our nails done but it tokk all she had to walk down the driveway to get the paper and back she was so out of breath and could not get it back quick eneough and she was so weak also. She complained t for a week about it and I was so tired of hearing it but I was good and said nothing at all, but I got the cold that they have had before and I have it my head and the cough is keeping me up at night, I have to sleep on 3 pillows and that is uncomfortable and I don't aleep well anyway but that is ot helping.
So, Friday afternoon we go to the hospital to see Dad, adn he is chomping at the bits to go home and they are waiting on the doctor to come up and see him and his roommate about discharge, we had been there about an hour and Mom wanted to leave and come home and lay down so we were on our way and I was getting in the car and Mom's cell phone rang and it was Dad and he wanted to know where we were and I told him getting in the car and he told us to wait he ws probably coming home now so we waited and waited and finally after 3 calls he is dischareged and coming to the car. He got in the car and told us that he had prescriptions that needed to be filled and that we could get filled on Saturday, Mom was not happy about him coming hom and neither was I because of the heartattack that he had in the Cath lab on Thursday but home we come. We had stopped to get something to eat and we ate and did the stuff that we had to do and everyone ws watching TV and relaxing and about 6:30 Mom comes in my room and tells me that she is going to get his Nitro filled and she wants me to sit with him and make sure that he is ok. so I asked him if he was having pain in his arms or jaw and he said no. After Mom left for the store he had told me that he has been having chest pain for about 15 minutes before he told us and when Mom got home he took one and timed it and then she yelled at him that if he wanted to die in front of us then keep doing what he has been doing and not tell anyone about the pain. The chest pain came back about an hour later and he took another nitro and then he went to sleep, he told me that he really had a headache forst then got the chest pain and he wasn't really sure what it was and I told him that it didn't matter what he thought the pain was he needed to tell someone about it and let us know what is going on with him. He said that he would tell us when it happened again and he would do what he needed to do. So after the second nitro the pain didn't come back again which is a good thing because Mom and I were getting ready to go back to the hospital that night but thankfully we didn't have to and he is feeling alot better and head blood work done this morning and we will see what happens next.
Now I am sick and it doesn't matter when it comes to doing things around the house. According to others I am not sick as they are and I can't feel as bad as they do, so I am the one that is taking care of them but noone takes care of me but me and it is really making me upset and I have to bite my tongue and keep goign but I am not goign to be soomeone's servant anymore and I am going to take care of myself and forget them until I feel better and get over this cough and runny nose. This is the forst time in a week that I have felt like being on the computer and checking email and writing on my blog so this is what if going on in my life.
Thanks for reading my blog and Have a great day!!!!

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