What a day today has been
Well today started out pretty good but has not ended very good and it is because of my dad and his attitude. Mom and I had a nail appointment this morning and then he had a doctor's appointment after that, so they left at about 10:45 and they got home after 2:00 this afternoon, which was no big deal cuz I stayed at home and worked on scrapping but when they got home I was in the kitchen and he come home and started fixing himself something to eat whether I was doing something in there or not. When he has to feed his stomach he doesn't care who he runs over or if he gets in the way of as long as he gets to eat. Anyway, he was eating and Mom and I were having a discussion about the soap opera that we watch and I made a comment that was a little sarsactic and Mom knew that I was kidding and it was a joke but he only heard the way that I said it and when I came out of the bedroom he had a realy dirty look on his face and made the comment that he did not like the way that I was talking to Mom and I told him that it was not what he thought and he waved his hand and told me to go the "F" away and not to talk to him. I am not a dog that you can just dismiss like that and I was mad and I told him so and he waved him off again. I went back in my room and seethed and let it go. So we were going out for dinner tonight and we were going to a new restraunt that opened not too long ago "RJ Gators", so off we go and while we are driving there he is driving like we are in the Indy 500 and weaving in and out of traffic, sao we get there and he says that it is too packed and we are not going so Mom and I need to decide where we are going now and I said that either steakhouse is fine with me. So we go to Durango's and he is driving through the parking lot and he is trying to get to a parking spot before another car and almost causes a wreck and blames the other car. We park and he tells Mom that he will get me so she can go get in the restraunt and get us a spot before they are too full for us to go. He thinks that if we can not go right inand be seated that we are going home and find sonmething to eat there, Mom goes in and and they are seating her when we go in the door and he is yelling "where the hell is she and she is trying to get his attention and he is not listening so I tell him to go and I will tell him where to go and he gets mad because I had to raise my voice to get him to go. I had ordered a steak and rice and salad and my steak was supposed to be cooked Medium and when it comes it is Medium Rare and since I got dentures it is hard for me to eat rare steak adn I said that I was going to send it back and I got a dirty look and a kick under the table luckliy I can not feel it or he would of gotten kicked back but anyway I tried to eat it and there was so much grizzle and fat on it that it was not worth the price that we paid for it and I was so disappointed and it actually made me sick to my stomach and I could not eat so the little piece of steak that I had left came home with me and I will feed it to Boots tomorrow. On the way out to the car he told me that I was the most ungrateful person he knows and that made me so mad that I was biting me tongue. I am so mad at him that he better not talk to me for awhile or I will tell him off and he will not like what I have to say and it will be hard on Mom and cause friction and I dodn't want to do that so I just come in my room and not say a word to him. What make me so mad is that he is so lazy an hw won't even help take out the trash anymore and if we ask him to help he acts like he doesn't hear us. The grass needs tobe mowed and weedeated but he is not going to do any time soon so Mom said she is going to hire someone to do it and he told her that he will do it when he gets the time. The time he has all the time in the world to do but all he wants to do is watch TV and eat, and that is all that he does. Enough gripping aboiut him.
Anyway I got a email on Monday form PaperCrafts magazine and I had orderded 3 copies of the book "Stacy and friends: 40 techinques for card making" I called Customer Service and told them what I did and they said that they would help me and cancel 2 copies and to let them know if they had charged my account 3 times and they would refund for 2 copies, which was fine with me. So I got a phone call today, it was the CS at Paper Crafts and they said that they were unable to cancel all 3 copies of the book adn they had already shipped, so they said to refuse 2 copies and return to sender and when they recieved them back they would refund my money for the 2 so I have to put a note on the door for the UPS man to ring the doorbell and wait because I need to talk to him, my regular guy did that and I told him what I needed and he told me that he was going to on vacation and I needed to catch the other guy so I kept the note and will put it back opn the door in the morning and hopefully he will rign the bell and I can return the 2 copies. I have no energy to scrap lately and I need to start again because I miss doing it and it takes my mind off the problems around here and makes me happy. So in the morning that is what I am going to do and I will spend all day in my room and not bother anyone and that way I won't get upset and mad and it won't ruin my day. Thank you for reading my blog and Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)
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