Trying to do a layout.................
I have been trying to do a layout with this particular picture and I have not been able to find any papers to go with it. I have tried to go through all the patterned papers and cardstock that I have and all the kits that I have and nothing that I have goes with it and it is so frustrating. I have finally found papers to go with it and now I have no idea how to do the page to make it look good. I have ideas but then when I go to put the page together it does not look right and then I take it apart and start all over again and then I get frustrated and put it away and then get upset that I can not do this page. I have been working on it for a week and half and the only thing that is done, is that is mounted on a piece of cardstock and that is all that is done. I need to stop worrying about it and it will come to me when I don't except it too so that is what I am going to do.
My dog, Boots has been due for her shots since March and I have been putting it off because when I take her it is a big production. First it is not that hard to put a harness and leash on her it is just when she see's it, she starts dancing and prancing around and she is ready to go when you get it on her and she cries until you open the door to the car. She is alright until we get in the parking lot of the shopping center where PetsMart is at, then she starts to whine and cry cuz she knows where she is going, the don't hurt her but she doesn't like to be poked on and she defintely hates to have her nails cut. When she was a puppy, Bill had cut her nails in the quick and since then she has not liked it and she will try and wiggle her way out and it takes 2 people to hold her and cut them but Mom and I can do it without stressing her out but Dad thinks that it takes him holding her down and when she doesn't listen then he smacks her and yells at her and then she is all stressed and she wants to get away and then she will mouth your hand like she is trying to bite and that makes him mad and he hits her. That makes me mad and then I yell at him for doing that and then we end up in fight. And if I ask him to help me do it, it is like pulling teeth so Mom and I do it and it takes a little longer but at least it is not like when Dad does it and then when Boots is not fighting with us the whole time. So I finally called last night and got her an appointment for Friday at 10 and it is going to be a fight to get Dad to put the harness on and when we get there he will have to be told that he needs to put her on the scale and then he needs to put the leash short so that she will not be going around everyone that comes by the desk and god forbid that we have to wait a few minutes he will take her and let run around the store with the leash out all the way and Mom has to yell at him to roll in the leash and keep it short and watch her. Then in the room he puts her on the table and then walks away from her and she wants to get down and she will try to fly off the table and I have to scream that he needs to watch her and then he gets mad. I am not looking forward to this and I told Mom that we ought to not tell him that we are going and go without him that way it won't take that long or I won't be in a bad mood that day. It is so stressful when he goes and I have to put up with Boots crawling all over me to try and get to Dad when he gets out of the car and she usually ends up putting bruises on me, luckliy I cannot feel them when she does it but they take forever to go away. Enough of that subject.
Today would of been my son's 17th birthday. DJ (Dakota James) was born June 27. 1989 and he passed away July 11, 1989. He was born with severe birth defects and he was not going to be normal and I am glad that he was here for as long as he was and he made my life better for knowing him. I miss him greatly and wish that he would of been able to live but God took him to be with him and he is an Angel and I know that with all my heart! Today is not a good day in my world but I am going to hold my head up and know that I will see him again. I can't believe that he would of been 17 today it doesn't seem that long ago that he was born and I was holding him in the NCICU at Riley's Childerns Hospital in Indianapolis. I saw more of that hospital than I care to but the nurses and doctor's there are some of the best people around and they treated me very well and I became friends with a few of the nurses that worked on the floor and they sent flowers and cards when DJ passed and that was very touching to me when they did that, after he passed there was a baby that had been there since the day that I was first there and he was addicted to crack and the mother had left him and he was being put up for adoption and the nurses asked me if I would hold and rock him when I was through with DJ and I did and I became very sttached to him and even thought of adopting him myself but there was no way that I could deal with a very sick baby after what I had been through and I was not in the emotional shape to be able to deal with the baby and it was probably a good thing that we didnt try to do it because 3 days after DJ, he had passed away too. I greived for him too but it was not like it was for DJ.
That is what happening here and thanks for reading my blog.
Sorry for your loss. I believe in Angels too.
So sorry for your loss of DJ. I had no idea. You will be with him again one day.
Just set that LO aside and work on something else, it will come to you!
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