Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cleaning Day!!!

I have been in one of my cleaning moods today! I have cleaned my room and straighten up the scrap corner and dusted and ran the vaccum in my room and the rest of the house and my bathroom. Our vaccum is the bagless type and since we got the dog there is an incredible amount of dog hair even if we vac twice a week. I even give her some treats that help with the shedding of hair and it seems to work until I run the vac and then the canister is full of hair and I have to stop halfway through and empty it and when I am finished I take it outside and use the compressor to blow out the filter and the canister to get all the hair and dirt and fuzz out of it. We are supposed to change the filter each year but we have had the vac since 2004 and haven't had to change it yet, I use the air compressor to blow everything out and it keeps it clean and free of dirt and hair. Dad thinks that I am silly and I shouldn't waste my time doing it and just bang it on the trash can and get the stuff out it, but with all the dust it will take forever to do and it chokes me with dust doing it.
Mom update--------- She went to the Er yesterday and got more medicine and she is alot better today. The welts are fading and going away and there is no new ones popping up as of now and hopefully they won't be anymore and she is over this for good. She looks alot better today and there is no new welts. She told me that she had them in her hair and they were itching so bad and all that she wanted to is cratch them and the more that she scratched the more they itched. Hopefully she will be over this and it doesn't come back again. We still don't know what caused them and we will probably never know why.
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Glad to hear your mom is doing better!! Sometimes they (the doctors) never know why somethings happen to people. Take care!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad she's better!!